The Environmental Policy of e-foods is to ensure so far as it is reasonably practical that its operations will be carried out with a commitment to protecting or enhancing the environment.
Policy Statement
The board of directors of the e-foods recognises that its activities have an environmental impact and in developing this policy and seeks to confirm its commitment to manage environmental issues. e-foods promotes environmentally responsible policies in all its commercial activities.
In implementing this commitment to manage its environmental impact properly e-foods will:
- Fully comply with environmental regulations pertinent to our business and business practices.
- Ensure that any environmental considerations are integrated into our business decisions.
- Ensure that we use risk assessments in order to identify potential environmental risks to our Businesses through our actions and decisions.
- Actively pursue opportunities to minimise the environmental impact of our operations, concentrating particularly on the use of energy, paper, toner, waste disposal, and mileage reduction.
- Attempt to develop a wider understanding of environmental issues among our stakeholders.
- Regularly review our policies to ensure that they remain properly aligned to the processes and systems used within our business and encourage the most effective utilisation of scarce resources.
- Responsibility for implementing this Environmental Policy Statement rests with the Directors.
- This Environmental Policy Statement will be reviewed annually and or updated as required in line with legislation and or changes of business practices.
- All stakeholders will be informed of any changes that affect them and the business they have with e-foods.
Environmental Policy
e-foods are committed to adopting best practice in environmental matters and aims to achieve success in ways that work in harmony with our environment and the parameters of ISO 14001;2015. The company promotes this principle and intends that it should become embedded into its policies and practice to the benefit of all employees as well as the wider community.
e-foods actively encourages stakeholders in the following key areas:
- Awareness of environmental issues and the opportunity to minimise impact.
- Identification and management of environmental risks.
- Involvement in environmental issues through appropriate information, training and participation exercises.
- Promote energy conservation by efficient use, careful planning and design with due regard to improved energy utilisation and appropriate investment in energy efficient measures.
- Minimise waste and ensure that there is effective control, which promotes recycling where possible and provides responsible disposal, particularly with regard to hazardous wastes.
- Strive to eliminate the release of pollutants, to be achieved by application of discharge controls, and by initial assessment and continuing evaluation of the appropriateness of and need for any activity which could have an impact on the environment.
- Use of sustainable raw materials.
- Mileage reduction.
Environmental Regulations and Compliance Monitoring
e-foods has an appointed employee who ensures we are fully comply with environmental regulations and that any changes are communicated to our stakeholders ensuring that we meet or exceed all environmental legislation that relates to our business. This enables the Directors and Management to take full consideration of environmental concerns and impacts into all our decision making and activities.
Environmental Impact Assessment
e-foods supplier evaluation process addresses the main environmental issues within its business and has a selection process that requires suppliers to demonstrate control and reduction in the environmental effects caused by manufacturing processes, packaging and transport.
e-foods believes that everyone has a duty of care to the environment and aims to minimise the wastage of raw materials, and energy, and to reduce harmful emissions resulting from business activities. Suppliers are required to:
- Meet all applicable environmental laws & regulations.
- Develop and implement plans and programmes to correct any non-compliant practices.
e-foods informs suppliers of environmental policies and monitors performance to ensure that the goods and services provided meet objectives.
Food Miles
e-foods are committed to reducing food miles within the supply chain and seeks to put in place a supply chain that allows clients to receive all their deliveries from within a 30-mile radius. Buying local means supporting the local economy, putting money back into the local economy cutting down on food delivery miles reducing the carbon footprint.
Responsible Product Sourcing
e-foods endeavour to source and promote a product range to minimise the environmental impact of both production and distribution through our network of suppliers.
Environmental Awareness
e-foods strive to ensure that environmental considerations are integrated into our business decisions and promote environmental awareness among our employees and encourage them to work in an environmentally responsible manner. We educate and inform our employees about environmental issues that may affect their work.
As a company we promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our business including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable. Internally, e-foods has adopted measures to ensure that environmental impact is minimised. A culture of recycling is embedded within the organisation including food waste, cardboard, paper and plastic. Toners and wastepaper are collected, and e-foods has a number of contracts with suppliers for recycling. Our environmental policy and commitment to recycling is relayed during staff induction.
e-foods communicate our environmental commitment to our stakeholders and encourage them to support it, striving to continually improve our environmental performance and minimise the social impact and damage of activities. With annual reviews of our environmental policy in light of our current and planned future activities.
Responsibility for implementing this Environmental Policy rests with the Directors.