
The power of a dynamic supply chain!

Are your procurement processes outdated and ready for a revamp? At EF-group we tune into your specific needs, tailoring the supply chain to meet your requirements. We can introduce you to our network of trusted supply chain partners and can also work with you to add your current supply chain partners to our active directory.

How caterers are approaching special diets

Since the launch of allergen regulations for food service in the UK in 2014 many businesses have, and continue to do, a policy that explains to customers that despite their excellent allergen management they cannot guarantee that any of their products are entirely allergen free.

UK Food School Standards explained…

The UK School Food Standards are a set of government guidelines that outline the nutritional requirements for food served in schools across the United Kingdom. These standards are designed to ensure that children receive healthy and balanced meals while at school.

Are you eating into your profit with every bite?

Ensuring students are served healthy, nutritious, and well-balanced meals is just one part of the job for a catering team in the education sector. Portion and serving size are especially important in education as school children have specific requirements for their nutrition and calorie intake to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How to protect the children and young people in your care

All food businesses, including school caterers must show the allergen ingredients information for the food they serve, and from October 2021, the Food Information Regulations included new requirements for the labelling of allergens on PPDS (pre-packed for direct sale) foods.

Tech teams are not just full of developers, well not at EF!

Big screens, rows of code and quietly working on your own, is that how you think software teams look? Well here at EF-group we have taken a slightly different approach, our software development team is complimented with a whole group of support roles that help steer the ship and break the stereotypical view of what a development team looks like.